How to Solve Problems Faster

solve problems

“A problem well-defined is a problem half-solved.” That was Greg Hall’s challenge to us this week: define problems with good data and analytics to ultimately make better decisions.

A key recommendation was to begin tracking your personal analytics, so you make better decisions with your time. Download Greg’s free, one-page guide on The Five Steps of Personal Productivity Analytics if you’re ready to take action.

If Greg was helpful to you, these episodes will be too:

  • CFL160: The 5-Step Strategy for Solving Problems

  • CFL184: Getting Things Done with David Allen

  • CFL292: How to Solve a Huge Problem

  • CFL323: How to Leverage People Analytics


Recommended Reading

My recent chat with Daniel Pink has me rethinking how I organize my day. One key takeaway from his research is how dramatically our normal, circadian rhythms affect results. Turns out we’re a lot more likely to screw up in the afternoon. Here’s how to stop it.

One of our Academy members is intentionally having in-depth, career conversations with employees, resulting in some incredible engagement. Many leaders think they do this well, but rarely execute on it fully. We’ve both taken inspiration from this three-step model on how to do career conversations better.

Speaking of careers, I field lots of questions on personal branding. Past guest Dorie Clark is a branding expert and just shared 13 Insanely Actionable Personal Branding Techniques. I’ve seen great results from techniques #1, #2, #8, #9, #10, #12, and #13.

Great Reads

Greg mentioned on this week’s episode how a single book motivated him to start the journey of intentional productivity. The same book has saved me from so many past worries that I find myself not only recommending it often, but re-reading chapters. Check out Dale Carnegie’s How to Stop Worrying and Start Living*.

Video Picks

Perhaps the world’s foremost authority on working cross-culturally, Erin Meyer shared tons of resources when she appeared on the podcast. This 2-minute video from Harvard Business Review on her work will explain how cultures across the world approach leadership.

Just For Fun

The title of this one caught my attention. Lots of actionable stuff here for both moms and dads. As much as some of us cringe at small talk, it’s the starting point of almost every human relationship. So, here’s The Introverted Dad’s Guide to Talking to Other Parents.

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