Making Authentic Connections
A friend of mine recently moved to another state and has been courageous in already signing up for some HR-specific networking events. She asked for my advice, and the first thing I reminded her was that most people are uncomfortable networking and that she is not alone. I do not perceive myself as an expert, though it helps when I remember that many of the people I will be meeting are just as wary as I am of this seemingly forced opportunity to connect as I am. Before Before you go, it is critical to have thought hard about your personal brand and what you most intend to communicate to others. McNally & Speak (2003) write: “Your [personal] brand takes shape as a result of your ability to make what you do distinctive, relevant, and consistent.” They have a great way of helping you think about what you want to project by developing a personal brand model. Roles You begin by identifying the different roles that you play for others in your life. You can keep your roles spec...