Performance Measurement That Really Gets Results

Performance is how well we achieve a result, not what we do to achieve it.

There are several ways to measure performance, with common performance measurement tools including annual reviews, productivity records, 360-degree feedback and employee-manager structured objectives.

Stacey Barr is a specialist in strategic performance measurement and evidence-based leadership. She is the creator of PuMP®, a performance measurement methodology that routinely transforms measurement cynics into its greatest advocates.

Stacey is also the author of two books, Practical Performance Measurement: Using the PuMP® Blueprint for Fast, Easy, and Engaging KPIs, and Prove It!: How to Create a High Performance Culture and Measurable Success.

On this week’s episode, Stacey and I discussed some of the common mistakes that leaders and organizations make with performance measurement. We also explore what well-formulated performance measures have. Plus, Stacey has kindly made her book available for free to our listening audience.

Here are the most useful links from this episode:
  • Full audio and show notes

  • My reading highlights from Stacey’s book (PDF download)

  • Download a free copy of Stacey’s book, Practical Performance Measurement

If this episode helped, these will be useful too:
  • How to Actually Move Numbers, with Chris McChesney (episode 294)

  • How to Leverage People Analytics, with Jenny Dearborn (episode 323)

  • The Truth and Lies of Performance Management, with Michael Bungay Stanier (episode 361)

Recommended Reading

Remember the ‘10,000 Hours’ Rule for Success? Forget About It: Malcolm Gladwell’s “10,000 rule” has long been be the source of misinterpretation. That said, it’s notable that he’s endorsed this new book.

Research: Career Hot Streaks Can Happen at Any Age: A great complement to the prior article.

The Slackification of the American Home: I can’t quite decide if this is inspiring or concerning.

Useful Books

Business Model Generation*: I was reminded recently of the value of this book. A useful framework for building strategy, especially for visually-minded folks.

Audio Gems

The Focused Executive: I loved Tom Henschel’s advice on helping leaders find calm and focus in this most recent episode of The Look & Sound of Leadership. A fun bonus: Tom sent me his PDF resource guide on mindfulness to share with you.

Dave's Journal

If You Build It, They Will Come: “If you build it, they will come,” is a lie. First of all, because it’s not true. And second, because it’s not even the actual phrase from Field of Dreams.

A Bit of Inspiration

Now That Ross Perot is Gone, I Can Tell This Story: Our weekly reminder of the wonderful sides of people, many that aren’t always visible.

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