New Ways to Nurture Great Ideas

Do you defend with anger or investigate with genuine curiosity?

Safi Bahcall is a second-generation physicist and a biotech entrepreneur. He co-founded a biotechnology company developing new drugs for cancer, leading its IPO and serving as its CEO for 13 years.

He also worked with President Obama’s council of science advisors on the future of national research. On this week’s episode, Safi and I discussed how leaders can work intentionally to nurture new ideas through three key practices.

If you are an innovator (or leading an innovation team), the three analogies Safi shared from his new book Loonshots* will help you begin nurturing new ideas more successfully.

Here are the most useful links from this episode:
  • Full audio and show notes

  • My reading highlights from Safi’s book (PDF download)

  • Loonshots: How to Nurture the Crazy Ideas That Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries* by Safi Bahcall

If this episode helped, these will be useful too:
  • The Four Critical Stories Leaders Need For Influence, with David Hutchens (episode 148)

  • How to Build Psychological Safety, with Amy Edmondson (episode 404)

  • Get Better at Deep Listening, with Oscar Trimboli (episode 408)

Recommended Reading

This 100-Year-Old To-Do List Hack Still Works Like A Charm: Excellent advice from past guest James Clear.

More People Are Working Remotely, and It’s Transforming Office Design: If fewer people are showing up at your office, this may help.

It’s Never Going to Be Perfect, So Just Get It Done: Two key tips at the end.

Stop Worrying About the ‘Death’ of the Humanities: I’m just as confident that people can influence the world with a liberal arts degree as with a STEM degree.

Beyond Self-Care Bubble Baths: A Vision for Community Care: Beautifully written. Also, love the distinction between self-care and community care.

Dave's Journal

People Are Watching, Always: The story of the time I kicked out an employee on his last day.

Just for Fun

Southwest Airlines Crew Sing Happy Birthday to World War II Veteran Who Turned 101-Years-Old on Flight From Orlando: Seems like a good time to mention that past guest Ginger Hardage will be back on the show soon.

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