How to Make Your Coaching Program Appealing | Coaching Business

How do you go about marketing your business, trying to generate sales and coaching your clients effectively all at the same time? That’s some superhuman effort right there! You will get drained and burned out!

Let’s teach you the simple way.

As a coach, consultant, or any kind of professional service business owner, one of your main goals is to help people transform their lives or help their businesses thrive. Every service business is like a calling, with a message to go leave transformational changes in the lives of as many people as you can. The aim is not hinged on making money, but in truth, you have to bring home the bacon.

This is buttressed by the fact that, if you’re not filled, how do you share to others? With barely any income, with what resources do you empower others? One of the most satisfying and fulfilling things for you as a coach is to earn a very comfortable income while doing what you love.

As it is, you’re already doing what you love, that is why we are having this discussion at all. This is rendering your services and solving the problems of your clients. You’re also helping them get outstanding and lasting outcomes. Very commendable!

Now, let us up-level the situation by showing you how to package your services in a way that helps your clients, and puts more money in your bank. This way, you attract ideal clients who need your help, boost your income, and transform the lives of many clients in the process.

The steps include…

1. Clearly Categorize Your Programs

If you have programs which you offer to your clients, categorize them clearly. This will grab the attention of your clients, and help them understand what they are signing up for. You can also include “add-ons” which may be webinars, PDFs you’ve written or podcasts in relation to the program.

For example, if you are a fitness coach, there must be other areas associated with fitness and health that you are knowledgeable in. Both areas are combined to get a person to ideal weight and optimum health status. Put them into add-on materials and give them to your clients for each of your programs. This is a self-help method for them to get more information, and help themselves to get more results. There is a lot you cannot say or teach clients, add-ons are the perfect way to help them access such information.

A lot of coaches use packages instead of programs, and that is not okay. But we have realized that for clients to get results, you should put them in a program that helps them get the desired outcome once and for all. It doesn’t matter the price you charge for it, but it should be a price that enables you to get them their desired outcome. Usually, it’s in the north of $3,000 to $15,000. If your potential clients can’t afford the price to get them results, let them feel free to go for a competition that offers packages at lower prices.

On getting to the competition, they may see programs similar to yours, but in packages which cost lesser. The downside is that they do not get their desired results, until they get to the last package which makes the program complete.  Most clients do one package and do not move on to the next, this stalls their growth, because they get minimal results. They end up with missing pieces of the puzzle, which are fundamental to their success.

We don’t believe in this method of coaching, because it wastes time and it’s fraudulent.

Take for instance, you go to a Rolls Royce dealership, do they sell you the tires, then the doors and later the engine, before the car itself? Or do they just sell you the darn Rolls Royce? This is a simple analogy that best describes the use of packages instead of programs in your coaching business.

Lots of “so called” certified coaches in the industry use packages instead of programs. This is not how we serve our clients. We believe that you should sell them your complete program that will get them their desired outcome, once and for all… even if it means paying higher for it. This is how you get your clients the best results, faster and with less hassles and shenanigans.

This why at Clients Oasis, we work with very distinct programs that ensure our clients get results…

An example is the Clients Oasis flagship program which is for clients that are looking to scale their businesses. Clients who are in need of landing their perfect high-ticket clients fast. Clients who are tired of living at the mercy of a good day, and resigning to a bad day of no clients at all. This is a program for sparse earners who do not know where their next meal will come from.

This is a graphical representation of what the Clients Oasis flagship program looks like. We work with our clients to set the whole thing up in ten days. Weeks after the whole system is well dialed in, they start landing their perfect clients at will.

We achieve this turnaround by applying 6 distilled and actionable steps, that have been tested and proven overtime. Although, not forgetting that our clients are unique, their challenges are different and so will their results. But we do it!

Read testimonies here.

2. Show Them Benefits

What do your clients benefit from working with you?

Should they have expectations and what kind of outcome should they expect?

Can you get them results? How?

Can you identify their problems?

This is the first step to solving problems.

At Clients Oasis, we have been able to identify the problems of our clients, and that gives us the insight and wherewithal to tailor our services to their needs.

Their benefits come from our ability to solve these problems.

It is very important to explain how your services and processes work, and what will be achieved at the end of the program.

For instance, if you are nutrition coach who wants to get an obese person back to shape, you will begin with all the drawbacks associated with being obese and how it affects general body functions. Then let the client know that working with you will not only help them lose that weight, but gain them their confidence back… and shoot them back to an optimum health status.

The catch is to know what your clients are going through and offer solutions to those problems. Let them envisage a new lease on life from working with you.

Mind you, do not promise what you cannot deliver. That is the fastest way to flunk your credibility as a coach or a service business owner.

The infographic above shows how we connect to the challenges of our clients. The benefits are what we feature in our program, to help them get outstanding results… with our world-class support of course.

3. Showcase the Features

It is very important to let your clients know and be sure about what they are signing up for when entering into your program. Make your features realistic and stay away from the bogus marketing. Make it simple and appealing for clients to want to get on board. But speak the truth, and work with integrity.

This makes it easy for clients to make a decision about getting on your programs or paying for your services. They know that with you, what they see is what they get. They will go right into your program, because all its features directly address their problems and there is a solution at hand. This is what they need and they don’t have to start a trial and error process just like in the case of your competition with packages to see what works.

At Clients Oasis, our Flagship Program has the following features;

  • Trainings through the implementation of our 6 distilled steps

  • Teaching clients how to get and enroll the perfect high-ticket clients consistently

  • Seeing clients through the steps and giving support through implementation. A hands-on done-with-you phase

  • Coaching support on mindset growth, overcoming fear, and overwhelm

  • Effective marketing system setup… including Facebook and LinkedIn ad setup, etc

  • Modifying and rewriting of webinar presentations to help them convert better

Now, the client sees these features and knows what they are getting right into. If these are the things they need to address their business problems, they’d make that decision and jump right in! And yes, we deliver!

Having done all these…

Remember that your programs are aimed at helping clients gain clarity on what they need, what your services are, and the outcome you deliver. Do not be afraid charge premium services for your program when you are sure that you can help them get their desired outcomes.

Prospective clients want to feel safe and in good hands. They want to know that you can deliver exceedingly well.

Clearly stating the outcomes you help them get and the steps you take to get them those outcomes, when backed up with results from previous clients will make you stand out like a diamond in the rough!

If you need our or support in implementing these methods, schedule a breakthrough call with a member of our team to find out if your business is a fit for us.

Click here or use the button below to schedule your call.

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