Cause I want to change my life
Cause I want to change my life
Goal for self
What to become more Self confident assertive in my decisions
Lose the procrastination
Maintain emotion physical and spiritual
Goal for my relationship
Become a better person and not be self centered
Set clear boundaries in my relationships
Get better at Growing new relationships and maintaining the current ones
How did you learn about
Just a google search
Your Location:
Alberta canada
Do you prefer male or female coach?
Other areas of coaching you are interested in: (check all that apply)
Family/Relationships, Spiritual, Personal Growth, General Life Coaching
Most of our coaches offer a complimentary coaching session. How serious are you about working with a coach once you find the right fit?
What are the 3 goals you’d like to reach in the next 6 months?
More social, less self centered, set boundaries in my current relationships
What are some obstacles that have kept you from meeting your goals?
Anxiety and depression and there symptoms
If you knew you wouldn’t fail, what would you love to do?
I would love to be very good at relationships
Describe what is working well in your life and what is not right now.
I have been managing my anxiety and depression, my relationships are not going good
Gain clarity of issues and/or help define goals
Understand what motivates you
Explore what is holding you back
Gain insight into your strengths, capabilities and potential
Provide encouragement and support
Help strategize action and next steps
Challenge you with difficult questions
Provide honest and direct feedback
Hold you accountable for your goals
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