Independent Modere Social Marketing - The rise of Living Healthy - Kim and I wanted to announce that we have started a new online affiliate store with Modere! We're super super excited because it's an online retail store that provides high quality clean living products. Our site provides every day pricing on a wide range of clean living products. There are 70 different products available on our site Most people say it is so nice of us to offer safe everyday essential products ... free of chemicals and harmful additives. Everyone knows most people are focused on healthy living these days and these products have been selected by us for this reason. I am just curious have you seen videos on the internet showing the many chemicals and poisons that some manufactures put into the household product we use every day. I mean everyone says it's just crazy how much crap they put into cleaning products. Our products are different ... they are clean and all natural. The best part is that they are priced the same as what you're already paying at Walmart or the supermarket. As one of our special customers, and by using this site you will be given $10 off your first order, and a 30 day money back guarantee. We have everything from a laundry detergent, shampoo, to shaving cream and they are all natural. The products do not have chemicals that'll hurt you or your family. Our retail store, is just like Amazon, you just buy these clean products online and they will be shipped straight to your house! So would it be ok if you checked out our online retail store today. Also, Kim has looked at the prices of all the cleaners, shampoo, laundry detergent and cleaning supplies and I have some good news and some bad news ... The good news our products all cost about the same as what is available at grocery store and Walmart. The bad news is that grocery store and Walmart do not want you purchasing higher quality products for less. By using our store you get the same pricing for higher quality products that are free of dangerous chemicals. So what is going to be easier for you? To continue to buy products full of chemicals and toxins or use our site and receive $10 off your first order of clean products, and a 30 day money back guarantee. Thanks in Advance, Kim and Jeff modere distributor kit,modere business partner,modere fast track,modere business,modere at a glance,modere usa,modere australia & new zealand,modere canada,modere comp plan,modere company,modere catalog,modere business opportunity 2017,modere compensation plan,modere canada,modere direct sales,modere join,modere introduction,modere intro,modere affiliate, independent modere social marketer


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