6 Habits to Keep People from Wasting Your Time
“ I'm sure you have noticed that, as a general rule, people with nothing to do want to do it with you. ” -Zig Ziglar Do you know that person in your organization that always needs you? That always calls you? That always stops by your office for a “brief moment” that ends up lasting 45 minutes? If you're anything like me, you're a sucker for them. In the past – and even now – limiting the amount of time that people have unlimited access to me has always been a challenge. A few reasons for that: I like helping people. Really, I do. It brings me joy. There's nothing that I enjoy more than spending time talking about how to help someone. I know that as a leader, there's no better time investment than in people. So, I should make the most of it, right? I haven't always known how to do anything else. In talking with other leaders, I know this is a struggle for many of us. On one hand, many of us love to work with people and help serve them – ...