Coaching within groups, Try Gamified competition
Coaching Case Study By Laura Maria Vieru (Transformational Coach, SWITZERLAND) Introduction Step 1: Finding a common enemy The root of my paper goes back to episodes experienced back in my childhood, and even though not fully aware and understanding of what was happening, I did observe a pattern that generated more meaningful connections and efficient collaboration. Brothers and sisters are our first playmates and friends, and I am blessed to have a younger brother. Needless to say, it was very difficult at times, but I do remember that certain situations would always bring us closer. Finding peaceful times and maintaining a collaborative relationship seemed to be more difficult when we would identify ourselves as two stand-alone characters, with individual interests and priorities, trying to outgrow each other. However, we would turn to best friends with either common goals or willingness to compromise for the well-being of our “team”, as soon as we wound find oursel...