Agile Transformation includes Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Research Paper By Silky Fischer-Lee (Executive Coach, SWITZERLAND) Today, we live in a fast-changing world and work in a very competitive business environment. As organizations strive to adapt to the constant changes and reinvent the future, building the organizational ability to be agile has become one of the most popular topics among companies. This research reviews characteristic of agile transformations that many business organizations are striving for today and explore opportunities to integrate CBT in team coaching to build organizational capabilities for an agile transformation. Business Agility and an Agile Transformation Business agility can be defined as an organization’s ability to adapt and respond to market changes, customer demands, produce cost-effective cutting edge products and be a leader in the market (Agile Business Consortium, n.a.). Business agility is closely tied to employees’ ability to adapt, innovate, and be resilient dealing with uncer...