Stop Moving Backwards!
Why investing in assets first will safe guard your finances. [embedded content] As a society it seems that we are forever doomed to do things backwards – simply because that’s the way the generations before us have done it, and investing and looking after our own financial well being seems to be no different at all. Our spending habits are no different. For some reason we buy the nice home, the car, and all our modern gadgets and accessories before we are even able to afford them. In fact we often would rather first spend all our money on liabilities (those things that make money leave our bank account every month) than we would on income producing assets. Doesn’t it make more sense to make the money first before we spend it? In all honesty, I have fallen victim to this way of spending too, until I recently re-read Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” . A part of me feels that I should really be kicking myself for completely forgetting this rath...